Achievement Mentoring Program
Teachers Supporting Students Through Mentoring
The Achievement Mentoring Program [also known as Behavioral Monitoring & Reinforcement Program (BMRP)] is a school-based prevention and intervention program that has been proven to reduce problem behaviors, improve academics, and reduce drug and alcohol use. Achievement Mentoring contributes to a school environment that allows students to realize that their actions can bring about desired consequences and reinforces this belief by eliciting participation from teachers, parents, and other significant adults in the student’s life. Teachers who serve as mentors meet with students during weekly, 40-minute small group sessions (middle school participants only) and/or weekly, 20-minute individual sessions (both middle and high school participants). Other school staff (social worker, counselor, nurse, psychologist, or youth worker) may also serve as mentors. Ideally, the program intervention lasts for two years and requires caring, supportive, and consistent staff. The program has been described as a Model Program by the National Dropout Prevention Center; noted as a Blueprints Promising Program by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence; and evaluated as positive by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.